IRCCS Istituto Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù
IRCCS Istituto Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù
Piazza S. Onofrio, 4 - 00163 Rome (Italy)
(+39) 06 6859.2277/2577
Prof. Bruno Dallapiccola
Prof. Massimiliano Valeriani
Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital is the largest paediatric Hospital and Research Centre in Europe; it cooperates with the main international centres of the sector.
Founded on March, 19th 1869 by the Dukes Salviati as a philanthropic institution, in January 1924 the Hospital was donated to Pope Pius XI. Since then, all the subsequent Pontiffs supported the Hospital’s activities for the protection of children’s health. In 1985 the Hospital was officially recognized as a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care (IRCCS) and launched several international activities, combining its clinical vocation with translational research and trials for innovative treatments.
Today, more than 3.500 physicians, researchers, nurses, hospital technicians and administrative employees work at Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital.
The Hospital is as big as a city, populated by children who are treated, followed and cared for and who are at the centre of an accessible, complete and high-quality healthcare.
All pediatric specialties are represented in the Hospital, with 28,754 admissions, 324 transplantations, 41,626 day hospital procedures, more than 85,012 emergency department visits and about 1,921,232 outpatient services a year.
Every year Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital manages about 13,307 patients suffering from rare diseases and it belongs to 15 European Reference Networks for Rare Diseases.
The scientific activity is carried out by more than 350 researchers in the fields of genetics and rare diseases, multifactorial and complex disorders, immunology, infectious diseases and pediatric drugs development, hematology-oncology and clinical, management and technological innovations.
The reviewed annual impact factor exceeds 2,968 points, with more than 679 international publications. The Hospital collaborates with more than 250 national and international Institutes.
The Neurosciences and Neurorehabilitation Department includes the neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and molecular genetics units. Furthermore, a wide area is dedicated to neurorehabilitation and psychology. All the pediatric central and peripheral nervous system disorders are de facto managed with the support of the neurophysiology, neuroradiology and of metabolic disorders units.
The Department hosts many internationally recognized areas of excellence; the area dedicated to neuromuscular and rare neurological disorders and the epilepsies area have been integrated into the relevant ERNs.
Today, the Neurosurgery Unit represents the centre receiving the highest number of brain tumors in Italy, while the Psychiatry Department acts as a reference centre for autism, on which several national and international researches are focused.
Robotics and the experimentation of exoskeletons, in collaboration with international centres, make the object of a major development.